Story Sketches

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Sometimes I have ideas that will probably go nowhere but temporarily amuse me. It can be a character, theme, situation or what have you. They're not fully formed and lack the animus to really demand I develop them. Occasionally they do end up used as flavor in larger pieces or as creative fodder when I'm looking back.

The Warners and Warcraft: Emma and Trevor Warner are young, beautiful, wealthy jetsetters who are completely and totally addicted to WoW. They sip champagne and subsist on the culinary creations of their private molecular gastronomist while they raid, find exotic herbs and powerlevel. One night their internet goes down...

White Light: In the future of digital art/cyberspace, white space is considered a luxury only the rich can truly afford because of the energy costs associated with emitting higher frequencies of color from digital canvases and monitors. While the rest of the populace must make due with blue text on a black background the ultra rich live in a world defined by day-glo color schemas. A cocky art thief and a alcoholic painter team up to steal enough juice to power the ultimate masterpiece. (hat tip to doublejoe7 for the concept).

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This page contains a single entry by Mike published on November 8, 2007 12:47 PM.

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